Watershed Reports
The next Watershed Reports, a national assessment of freshwater, will be published in spring 2025 by Water Rangers and powered by AquaAction
The Watershed Reports are the first national-scale assessment of the state of freshwater in Canada. The first two editions were published in 2017-2020 by WWF-Canada. Water Rangers will be publishing the third edition in the Spring of 2025.
The Watershed Reports are a collaborative effort. We would love you to be part of their development! Give us your opinions about Canada’s freshwater, open data and Watershed Reports.
What are the Watershed Reports?
The Watershed Reports includes data from governments, researchers, and community groups. They were originally created by WWF-Canada. Starting in 2024, will be stewarded by Water Rangers, powered by AquaAction.
The Watershed Reports are an interactive tool that shows scores for 4 aspects of river health and 7 key threats at a watershed and subwatershed scale.
The Watershed Reports are updated every 3-5 years. The last assessment was made in 2020 and the next one will be released in Spring 2025.
The Watershed Reports assess watersheds across the country, at a high-level. While it can't provide nuanced answers to local concerns, it shows where to start searching for answers or investing in sharing data.
The Watershed Reports are the only national assessment of water health and have been a driving force investment in open data sharing in Canada! Importantly, the Reports are created independently of government, with an expert review board.
Looking forward
The Watershed Reports contain recommendations on moving from data to action. Water Rangers will be publishing the next version in 2025, showcasing progress since the last publication.